Does my dog need vaccinations?

An informed pet owner makes for healthy happy pets. Here are some "things to chew on" as a starting point. While prevention may hurt your wallet a little, treatment once infected, can be much more costly financially and emotionally.  Do your research and consult your local vet for additional information. 

What is a “DHPP” or “Distemper” vaccine?

The distemper vaccine protects against 4 viruses:

  • Distemper Hepatitis Parvovirus Parainfluenza

There is a common misconception that the distemper vaccine improves your pet’s temperament.  In reality, canine distemper is much more serious than temperament; it is a widespread virus that causes high mortality in dogs.  Vaccination is important because exposure is considered inevitable during a dog’s lifetime.

The canine distemper virus is easily transmitted from dog to dog by:

  • An infected dog’s respiratory secretions (sneezing, coughing).
  • Direct contact with infected bodily fluids (urine, blood, saliva).

The virus infects various tissues in the dog’s body, producing:

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Eye and nose discharge
  • Respiratory disease
  • Appetite loss
  • Muscular spasms
  • Paralysis
  • Or Worse

What is Rabies?

Rabies is an acute viral infection that can affect all warm-blooded animals – including dogs and cats.  The disease is almost always caused by the bite of an infected animal that has rabies virus in its saliva.  Younger animals are usually more susceptible to rabies infection.  And it’s always fatal once clinical signs appear.

What if my dog has possibly been exposed?

If your pet has been bitten by or exposed to a wild or potentially rabid animal, talk with your veterinarian right away and report it to local animal control authorities.  Even if your pet has a current vaccination, you should still contact your veterinarian.  Your pet may need to be quarantined for a period of 10 days after the exposure or immediately re-vaccinated.
Your veterinarian is committed to helping you make the best choices for your pet’s health.  To give your pet the protection it needs,vaccinate your pet with rabies vaccine.

What is Leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can be found in most animals, including livestock (cattle, pigs and sheep) and wildlife (deer, raccoons, opossums, skunks, rats and other rodents).  The bacteria are passed via the urine into water sources, where they can reside.

Is this a problem where I live?

Leptospirosis is prevalent in rural, suburban and urbanized areas.  The bacteria can be present in any stagnant surface water, moist soil and recreational water sources such as ponds and lakes.  Additionally, natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes may present and increase risk of exposure to this disease.

Can my dog get lepto?

  • Your dog can become infected with Leptospira by drinking, swimming in or walking through contaminated water.  

How can I protect my dog from Leptospirosis?

  • To help protect your dog from this potentially fatal disease, vaccination is key.  By vaccinating your dog before exposure to the disease, you may avoid the emotional and financial trauma of dealing with this disease.
  • Vaccines are affordable, convenient and safe.  Talk to your veterinarian.

1 in 7 dogs tested positive for Lyme disease in


lyme disease map

  •  Did you know that dogs are 50% more likely to contract lyme disease than humans? 
  • We have a responsibility as pet parents to provide protection diseases like lyme.  Lyme disease symptoms are the “Four L’s”.
  • 1. Limping

    2. Lameness

    3. Lethargy

    4. Loss of Appetite

    The disease affects dogs differently and some show no signs at all. It can take up to six months for signs to become visible.


    There are a couple ways to help prevent Lyme disease:

  • Vaccinate against Lyme disease yearly.
  • Use a monthly preventative such as Revolution on all the pets in your house year round.  
  • When walking your pet avoid the edging, vegetation, high grass areas as well as brush and leaf piles.
  • Check your pet frequently for ticks. A tick needs to attach itself for 48 hours to transmit lyme disease.
  • If you suspect your pet may have contracted Lyme disease, please contact your veterinarian and schedule an appointment.

    Treatment can be costly. Prevention is your best bet 

    What is Parvovirus?
    Parvovirus, or “Parvo” is a highly contagious virus that affects the intestinal tract of dogs.  It is highly resistant to disinfectants, and can survive in the environment for months (floors, shoes, food bowls).Parvo is transmitted by coming in contact with an infected dog’s feces.

General symptoms are:

  • Lethargy
  • Severe vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bloody, foul-smelling diarrhea

What is Parainfluenza?

Parainfluenza is a highly contagious respiratory virus.  It is transmitted from the respiratory secretions of an infected dog through the air.

Symptoms include:

  • Coughing
  • Fever
  • Nasal discharge
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of appetite

For More Information Visit  Your Local Veterinarian

  The Tray Top raised dog feeder keeps the mess off the floor for easy cleanup. A stylish modern design with clean lines, makes this elevated dog bowl feeder a great accent in your home and helps your pet eat and drink in comfort. Prices start at $59.99.


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